Griffith College

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3 September 2018

Griffith appoints new Vice Chancellor

Griffith University Chancellor Mr Henry Smerdon AM has announced the appointment of Professor Carolyn Evans as the University’s next Vice Chancellor and President.

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16 March 2018
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26 February 2018

Griffith College volunteering at GC2018

  The 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games is fast approaching and as the last Griffith University interns take their positions,...

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12 December 2017

Additional mathematics support for Griffith College students

From Trimester 1, 2018, Griffith College will commence delivering a slightly modified program structure for the Diplomas of Engineering, Science...

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7 November 2017
Male Chinese student studying with Australian and Fijian female students in Mt Gravatt library

Griffith College and Griffith University celebrate 20 years of partnership

This year is the 20th anniversary of the successful partnership agreement between Griffith University and Griffith College (formerly QIBT). Navitas...

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19 September 2017
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22 August 2017
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21 August 2017
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13 April 2017
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18 September 2016
Professor Jason Sharman delivered the 2016 Distinguished Lecture.

Researcher exposes Australia’s billion-dollar corruption loophole

Griffith Business researcher Professor Jason Sharman delivered the 2016 Distinguished Lecture where he outlined Australia's poor record in dealing with foreign corruption in our own backyard.

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