Griffith University is the best creative arts school in the country, according to the latest Uni Reviews rankings.

Uni Reviews ranked creative arts programs at Australian universities by student numbers, student and graduate satisfaction and employability.

Griffith was ranked number one, with Queensland University of Technology and RMIT rounding out the top three creative arts schools in Australia.

Pro Vice Chancellor (Arts, Education & Law) Professor Paul Mazerolle said it was a remarkable achievement.

“We are especially pleased with the recognition and endorsement of our strengths in the creative and performing arts, as we have invested strongly in this area,” he said.

“Our strength in this area positions Griffith as one of the country’s leading destinations for the next generation of artists, designers and musicians.”

Queensland College of Art Director Professor Derrick Cherrie said the results reflected the breadth and depth of creative arts programs on offer at Griffith.

“We are delighted to be recognised as the finest creative arts school in Australia,” he said.

“This is not only an indication of the excellent quality of the teaching and scholarship that takes place here, but also the high standing we hold among students and alumni.

“All of this combines to produce truly remarkable outcomes.”

Queensland Conservatorium Director Professor Scott Harrison said the ranking results affirmed Griffith’s position as a leader in arts education.

“Over the past 60 years, thousands of talented students have graduated from the Queensland Conservatorium, and we remain the dream destination for aspiring young musicians and performing artists from around the world,” he said.

“It is gratifying that we are among the top 50 performing arts programs in the world, and are also leading creative arts education in Australia.

The Uni Reviews ranking results continue strong outcomes for Griffith University across a range of ranking schemes this year.