Department of Business Strategy and Innovation

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12 April 2024

Bold experiment hailed a success by GAI and AIIA Queensland

“Well I can say one thing for sure, we will be having Griffith Asia Institute back” commented Paul Lucas, President...

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5 April 2024
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22 February 2024

New study assesses impact of purpose on top 100 ASX companies

Discovering what drives some of Australia’s largest companies, the ASX100 Purpose Matters report, provides insight about the motivations behind companies shaping the country.

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5 December 2023

Are Australian CEOs missing the strategic value of ‘purpose’?

MBA mini masterclass will present findings from the 5th annual Brandpie CEO Purpose survey, revealing how Australian CEOs compare.

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8 June 2023
Clinician Entrepreneurship

Clinician Entrepreneurship Program set to drive healthcare transformation

Griffith Business School (GBS), in collaboration with Gold Coast Health, Gold Coast Health and Knowledge Precinct, and the Queensland Government’s...

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30 May 2023
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24 April 2023

Making grand friends an intergenerational imperative 

Griffith University is leading the charge on evidence-based intergenerational practice in Australia, celebrating the mutual benefits of uniting young and...

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11 November 2022

Griffith MBA Champion of Values-led Education

Griffith University wins first place overall in Corporate Knights 2022 Better World MBA Ranking for third consecutive year, ranking above the most distinguished programs in the world.

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18 August 2022
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4 August 2022
More Australians are leaning towards a plant-based diet

More Australians avo-go at a vegan diet

Health concerns and a changing attitude towards eating meat is causing more Australians to swap their omnivore diets for one that is plant-based.

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