Griffith School of Pharmacy gets virtual learning
Griffith School of Pharmacy's innovative virtual learning environment has opened just in time for the new students to be introduced to a whole new way of learning.
Griffith School of Pharmacy's innovative virtual learning environment has opened just in time for the new students to be introduced to a whole new way of learning.
Students studying for Griffith University’s Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science are set to enter a whole new world of virtual learning.
Griffith Film School students are pioneering new technology that is revolutionising the screen industry.
As one of Australia’s leaders in remote learning, Dr Sarah Prestridge is comfortable thinking ahead of the curve.
Griffith Business School transitions face-to-face classes to online learning, creating a flexible learning environment where students feel supported.
Experience Blurred Minds in Brisbane this week.
Virtual student experiences can lead to enhanced industry standards.
One Gold Coast family of five holds two PhDs, two Masters degrees, a Graduate Certificate, three undergraduate degrees in business, two arts degrees and one in music.
Dental science students at Griffith University are now learning their trade virtually. Griffith University’s School of Dentistry and Oral Health...
Remarkable Griffith University staff members have been recognised at the 2020 Vice Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence in Professional and Support Staff Service.