Griffith Film School

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28 November 2023
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3 November 2023

Next Stop, Griffith University Gold Coast

Griffith University’s Film School has extended its partnership with Bus Stop Films to deliver an Accessible Films Studies program at the university’s Gold Coast campus.

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13 September 2023

When Philharmonic and Film Collide

The worlds of live orchestra and film screening will come together again as FilmHarmonic brings a symphonic sensory spectacle to Brisbane Festival.

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11 September 2023
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25 July 2023
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14 July 2023
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11 July 2023

Sharing stories and experiences in the Outback

Outback Queensland has just seen an influx of 120 Griffith University-led students and staff who travelled to Winton for the Vision Splendid Outback Film Festival.

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11 July 2023

Not Quite Narwhal… Every Bit Perfect

Netflix has an adorable new main character thanks to Griffith University alumnus Nakia Trower Shuman, and he’s fast becoming a hit with preschoolers!

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30 June 2023
Indigenous War Memorial, ANZAC Square, Brisbane

LiveLab takes out silver US International Award

LiveLab students are celebrating after their work was recognised in the US International Awards. LiveLab is the commercial production arm of Griffith Film School, offering students year-round opportunities to gain real industry experience while they are studying.

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29 March 2023
Ky's Story My Sister Jorja: Hugo Ky and Jorja

Ky’s Autism Stories lock in SBS deal

When Griffith University’s Film School’s LiveLab students teamed up with Autism Queensland and actor Hugo Weaving to share his autistic nephew Ky Greenwood’s story in 2016, it took the world by storm.

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