Griffith students podcast not lost in translation
A language and linguistics podcast, the brainchild of three Griffith University students, is kicking goals after reaching nearly 1000 downloads in just a few months.
A language and linguistics podcast, the brainchild of three Griffith University students, is kicking goals after reaching nearly 1000 downloads in just a few months.
In this instalment of Griffith University’s A Better Future for All series, Kerry O’Brien talks with the award-winning investigative journalist and podcaster Hedley Thomas.
Griffith Business School alumnus Gabby Daniels has a new podcast, Let’s Talk Tourism, that aims to provide decision makers with information on surviving and thriving post-COVID-19.
A team of Griffith Film School alumni has written, produced and directed a new scripted podcast for Audible.
Griffith’s Gender Equality Research Network (GERN) has launched a podcast to mark International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
A new podcast series, CRUcial Conversations, will feature five stories of grassroots leadership and change in the disability sector, highlighting...
“I think protecting our borders is an issue that can be done without losing our humanity.” So says the HonourableAnthony...
Welcome to the first episode of the new Griffith University podcast Remarkable Tales, produced by Walkley Award winning journalist...
When trying to make sense of all around us and how we interact with our urban environment, six heads are...
Even social work technophobes are listening to podcasts or portable audio recordings. You can listen to whatever you like, whenever you like, wherever you are and no matter what you are doing.