Griffith’s Gender Equality Research Network (GERN) has launched a podcast to mark International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

The Gender Card podcast will focus on Griffith’s deep bench of gender equality researchers whose work is at the cutting edge of modern life.

Over six thirty-minute episodes, listeners will hear how gender inequality shapes society in areas that are not often the mainstream focus from the sporting arena, city planning, tourism and household finances.

“We’re bringing serious feminist perspectives on areas of modern life and introducing amazing new researchers you may not have come across,” said Associate Professor Susan Harris Rimmer.

While the podcast playfully draws its title from former Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s reluctance to be seen playing the gender card, Associate Professor Sara Davies says society shouldn’t fear gender issues.

“It’s an area of progress, it’s inclusive, it’s representative and it’s exciting,” she said.

“It opens up conversations and this podcast allows people to ask what on earth is gender equality and gender equality research.”

The podcast will be hosted by Walkley Award winning journalist Nance Haxton and all six episodes of the Gender Card are available for streaming at the GERN website.

Griffith’s Gender Equality Research Network is an initiative that encourages and promotes gender quality research and comprises researchers from Griffith Business School and the Arts, Education and Law group.