Belle Hammond

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Showing 11 - 20 of 95 results

1 July 2015

Crowdfunding water quality solutions

Article by Leighenne Pang, Griffith Asia Institute Intern. Griffith Asian Studies graduate Alexis Wagner inspires many locals in China and...

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23 June 2015

Innovative Research Universities Research Collaborations in Asia

Griffith University will be representedat the Innovative Research Universities’event ‘IRU in Asia: Meet the Researchers’ at Parliament House Canberra on...

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17 June 2015

Developing Indonesian Business Leaders’ Capabilities through Sustainability Management

Dr Ki-Hoon Lee from the Griffith Asia Institute and the Department of International Business and Asian Studies has been awarded...

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5 June 2015

Indonesia Alumni Event in Jakarta

Griffith University Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International), Professor Sarah Todd, and Griffith Asia Institute Director, Professor Russell Trood, led a delegation to Jakarta...

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5 June 2015

First Prize win sends Griffith student soaring to China

Shannon Dyer looked out over a sea of chaos as nearly a thousand Chinese middle school students enthusiastically participated in...

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5 June 2015
Professor Russell Trood

Griffith visits Parahyangan University, Indonesia

Russell Trood and Colin Brown were invited speakers at an international conference organised by the International Relations Students Association of...

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29 May 2015

Transforming the Philippine workforce through Leadership Development

Griffith human resource (HR) and leadership experts Professor Adrian Wilkinson and Dr Jeanne McConachie are among prominent international speakers at...

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27 May 2015

Women’s Leadership in Universities in the Australia and Hong Kong, SAR

Article byElise Stephenson An equitable number of women and men leaders in our society is crucial to be able to...

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26 May 2015

Brisbane 2022: New World City Action Plan

A committee tasked with shaping the city’s economic development strategy for the next seven years has today handed down its...

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20 May 2015

New cultural courses at the Tourism Confucius Institute

The speed and elegance of traditional Chinese brush-work art can seem a magical skill for western artists used to painting...

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