A committee tasked with shaping the city’s economic development strategy for the next seven years has today handed down its report which outlines more than 100 recommendations.

The committee was drawn from across the Queensland business, academic and government communities and featured Griffith Asia Institute Director, Professor Russell Trood.

The ‘Brisbane 2022 New World City Action Plan’ is the result of consultation with more than 1000 people including executives, entrepreneurs, students, government agencies, analysts, academics and leaders from the private public and not-for-profit sectors.

Many of the key recommendation put forward in the report outline the potential for greater engagement in the Asia-Pacific region, especially in growth areas such as Agribusiness, Education and Culture.

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk said the plan recommends a shift in the city’s approach to economic development.

“This report is about positioning ourselves to drive job creation relevant to a globalising economy which benefits our whole community.

“My aim is to ensure Brisbane’s influence as a serious player in the Asia Pacific region continues to grow and we are recognised globally as a new world city full of opportunity that attracts and retains talent.

“I anticipate the Brisbane 2022 New World City Action Plan will consolidate our efforts to date, set the direction for future initiatives, and drive the next wave of economic development through a collaborative ‘Team Brisbane’ approach.”

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk said he would consider the full implications of the report before announcing which key recommended actions would be adopted.

A full copy of the report can be accessed through the Choose Brisbane – 2022 Plan website.