Search results for: stanwell

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 results

17 January 2022
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7 January 2022

Centre for Applied Energy Economics and Policy Research launch

Griffith Business Schoolisexcited to announce the establishment of the Centre for Applied Energy Economics and Policy Research (CAEEPR). Vice Chancellor...

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5 November 2016

Paul Simshauser named Outstanding Alumnus for 2016

Paul Simshauser was named the Griffith Business School Outstanding Alumnus for 2016. Corporate strategist Olivia Loadwick was named the Young Outstanding Alumnus of the Year, and Dr William Chen was the inaugural recipient of the International Outstanding Alumnus of the Year,

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3 December 2015
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30 November 2015
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12 September 2014
Paul Simshauser, Griffith Business School, in shirt and tie, arm leaning on ledge.

Policy challenges crucial to energy industry

The recommendations of the inquiry into the Renewable Energy Target will be among the hot topics and policy challenges to...

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