Cognitive computing will reshape health jobs
The possibility of thousands of patient CT scans, MRI scans and X-rays being read simultaneously is not as far away as we think, if cognitive computing takes over the health sector.
The possibility of thousands of patient CT scans, MRI scans and X-rays being read simultaneously is not as far away as we think, if cognitive computing takes over the health sector.
A diagnostic test for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome could be available within five years following the awarding of $4 million in funding to one of Australia’s foremost authorities on the condition.
The complications and high costs associated with dental implants could be a thing of the past as Griffith research aims to reduce the associated risks of infection using new cutting edge nanotechnology.
More than 300 exceptional biomedical scientists, clinical researchers, health professionals and research students are expected to attend the 12th Gold Coast Health and Medical Research Conference 2016, where translational research for the prevention of chronic disease will be the focus.
Translating the science and technology of golf to improve performance on the course will be the focus of this week's World Scientific Congress of Golf (WSCG), hosted by Griffith University.
Calling all golf aficionados! You are invited to an evening of dinner, drinks, and and talk about all things golf at the 2014 World Scientific Congress of Golf Dinner.
Whole body vibration therapy (WBV) is the kind of buzz-treatment that causes exercise scientists to raise a skeptical eyebrow.
Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a serious complication of pregnancy that currently affects 6-8% ofall pregnancies in Australia. Griffith Health Institute (GHI)...
‘Chronic Diseases — Prevention and Improving Health Outcomes,’ is the theme of the 9th Gold Coast Health and Medical Research Conference 2013.
This year's Gold Coast Health and Medical Research Conference will showcase a wide range of health and medical studies from around the region.