More than 300 exceptional biomedical scientists, clinical researchers, health professionals and research students are expected to attendthe 12th Gold Coast Health and Medical Research Conference 2016, where translational research for the prevention of chronic disease will be the focus.

The annual conference will feature a unique breadth of biomedical science, genetics, immunology, cancer, clinical, mental and population health experts.

Three research programs fromGriffith’s Menzies Health Institute Queensland, Understanding Chronic Conditions, Optimising Health Outcomes and Building Healthy Communities, will take centre stage during theDecember 1 and 2 conference to be held a the QT Hotel, Surfers Paradise.

The conference is the premier forum for health and medical research in South-East Queenslandand drawson top Gold Coast institutions, including the Gold Coast University Hospital, Griffith’s Menzies Health Institute Queensland, Bond University, Southern Cross University and the Gold Coast Medical Association. Together they have developed an outstanding two-day program including dynamic guest speakers.

“Significant advances have been made across multiple disciplines in relation to understanding, preventing and treating disease, yet it is unclear why the potential for relinquishing substantial reduction in disease has not been achieved overall and across various subgroups,” says Griffith’s Pro Vice Chancellor (Health) Professor Sheena Reilly.

“Conferences such as this promote interdisciplinary discussions and most importantly, pathways to facilitate effective and sustainable translation.

Focus on prevention

“Appreciating the amazing gains we as a society can make by focusing on prevention rather than cure, we welcome and look forward to engaging with local and national health professionals, clinicians and delegates from other universities, research institutions and government organisations who are joining us this year.”

An exciting new feature of the conference this year is the panel discussion on the Thursday evening (1 Dec), which will be moderated by ABC Science presenter Bernie Hobbs.

Dr Simon Eassom from IBM Watson will present on the future of the health workforce and challengedelegates to think about how the workforce might change over the next few years, particularly in light of artificial intelligence, cognitive computing and the use of robots.

Three panel members, Professor Sharon Mickan from Oxford University, UK; Dr Jeanette Young, Chief Health Officer for Queensland Health and Ms Rachel Hunter, Deputy Chancellor at Griffith and Chair of the Board at Lady Cilento Hospital, will respond to Simon’s talk. There will also be questions and answers with the audience.

For more information on the program, guest speakers or how to register, please visit the conference website:

Gold Coast Health and Medical Research Conference 2016

WHEN: Thursday December 1 and Friday December 2.
Registration from 7:30am.

WHERE: QT Hotel, Surfers Paradise.

CONTACT: Louise Durack, 0419 649 516 or email: [email protected]