Search results for: hon karen andrews mp

Showing 1 - 9 of 9 results

27 March 2019
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12 August 2015
From left, Lucy Nitschinsk, Federal Member for McPherson Ms Karen Andrews MP, Student Category winner Bianca Ivak and Lee Flueckiger

Perfect pitch: young engineers impress at awards

At a time when girls are being encouraged to consider tertiary study for careers in engineering, Griffith University student Bianca...

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18 December 2018
Professor Debra Henly

Prof Debra Henly appointed to peak national science body

Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) Professor Debra Henly has been appointed as a board member of the National Science and Technology Advisory Council.

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6 December 2018

Gender equity and inclusion attracts prestigious award for Griffith

Commitment to gender equity and inclusion attract inaugural honour for Griffith.

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4 March 2016
Hon Karen Andrews MP, Assistant Minister for Science visits first year engineering students at Gold Coast campus, Griffith University.

Minister joins call for more women in STEM

In the lead up to International Women’s Day the Hon Karen Andrews MP, Assistant Minister for Science, visited young engineering...

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29 March 2022
Right to Repair

Why we really need to be able to fix our stuff

We all have things that are broken around our homes. Old iPhones, microwaves, fridges, washing machines or everyday consumer devices, such as our fitbits, tablets and computers. If we can’t fix them, they usually end of going into the rubbish and then ending up as landfill. Did you know that there are over 140,000 tonnes of e-Waste generated by Australians every year?

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23 April 2019
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21 April 2015
Patrisha Kay, winner of the 2014 Speaker’s University Challenge,

Patrisha wins Speaker’s University Challenge

Bachelor of Laws/Commerce student Patrisha Kay's passion for freedom of speech has led to her winning a top award.

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15 August 2014

Griffith golf congress tees off with dinner

Calling all golf aficionados! You are invited to an evening of dinner, drinks, and and talk about all things golf at the 2014 World Scientific Congress of Golf Dinner.

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