Search results for: harmony day

Showing 1 - 10 of 27 results

15 March 2015

Harmony Day celebrates cultural diversity

Griffith University will come alive with culture this week (March 16 — 21) to celebrate Harmony Day.

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17 March 2014
Poster of Harmony Week

Griffith celebrates Harmony Day

Griffith University has kicked off a week of events to celebrate Harmony Day.

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18 March 2019

Griffith unites for Harmony Week celebrations

The University has a raft of events taking place across all five campuses to mark Harmony Day on March 21.

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16 March 2018
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4 May 2016

Midwifery@Griffith celebrates International Day of the Midwife

The success of Griffith midwifery education and research programs will be on display tomorrow as Griffith School of Nursing and Midwifery celebrates the International Day of the Midwife 2016.

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21 March 2016
​(From left): Minister Stirling Hinchliffe (Minister for Transport & Commonwealth Games), Maryann Talia Pau, Minister Shannon Fentiman (Minister for the Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence). Photo: Tavina Yettica-Paulson.

‘1 million stars’ shine during Harmony Week

Griffith University celebrates Harmony Week.

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3 April 2014

Griffith celebrates Harmony Week

Harmony Week celebrations have raised more than $4000 in donations for Rosies Charity.

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8 May 2013
a man playing an electric guitar

The day the music didn’t die…

Good urban planning rarely gets due acknowledgement, but the live music and the associated industries in parts of Brisbane were saved by innovative planning.

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18 March 2013
Moive: Hyde Park on Hudson

Enjoy Harmony Week & Win!

Happy Harmony Snapshots… 🙂 Get involved in Harmony Week at Griffith and Win 1 of 15 free double passes to...

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10 October 2010

Desert stories of harmony

Dr Brydie-Leigh Bartleet, from Queensland Conservatorium Research Centre, presents stories of music students who worked alongside Indigenous artists at the...

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