Griffith University has kicked off a week of events to celebrate Harmony Day.

Harmony Day, which falls on 21 March each year, is a Commonwealth Government initiative that began in 1999, coinciding with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racism.

Student Support and Advocacy Manager, Mr Steve Harris believes Harmony Week is a wonderful celebration of University culture.

“Harmony week aims to celebrate Griffith’s commitment to multiculturalism and diversity across all campuses and is a great way for students and staff to learn about and acknowledge the different cultural groups who make up our university community.”

“The University is proud of its ethnic and cultural diversity underlined by a climate of tolerance and respect,” he said.“Diversity is an integral part of the University’s role in encouraging tolerance in education and in our society.”

A wide-ranging group of programs and activities will be on offer during Griffith’s Harmony weekcelebrations from March 17— 21.

“Griffith’s Harmony Weekwill provide a forum to showcase this work and reflect upon ways in which increased awareness of equity and diversity issues might be embedded into our daily practice. People will also be able to celebrate the diversity of staff, students and the community we serve,” he said.

Mr Harris said the week would help ensure all students were aware of the various learning and personal support services available.

Hand print banner

Make your mark at Harmony week celebrations

In 2014, the theme for Harmony Day is ‘everyone belongs’. Chancellor Leneen Forde AC will serve as patron.

For a full list of activities, please visit: