Griffith Tax Clinic celebrates three years of helping the community
The Griffith Tax Clinic has celebrated three years of providing free assistance to the community. The clinic allows Griffith University...
The Griffith Tax Clinic has celebrated three years of providing free assistance to the community. The clinic allows Griffith University...
Griffith University has been awarded $100,000 to continue a popular free community tax service in time for the end of the 2020-21 Financial Year.
More complicated tax returns are among the challenges Australians face thanks to COVID-19.
Griffith Business School has secured a $100,000 Federal Government grant to support a second year of its successful tax clinic.
By Professor Brett Freudenberg Professor Tax Law Griffith University was successful in securing a $100,000 grant from the Federal Government...
Challenging real-life scenarios have been equipping students with skills to provide tax assistance at Griffith Tax Clinic while helping free clients from tax burdens.
Empowering women aged 50 and over with the skills and knowledge to start micro-businesses is the aim of a Griffith University project.
Griffith Tax Clinic will run a free October 1 Seminar about tax deductions you may be able to claim from your home.
Griffith University’s free Tax Clinic is proving popular with more than 50 locals accessing the program in its first month of operation.
Griffith University tax experts will host a free two-hour seminar on Tuesday 18 June, covering the essentials of claiming tax deductions ahead of the end of the financial year.