Search results for: associate professor katherine andrews

Showing 1 - 9 of 9 results

11 April 2014
Institute for Glycomics and the Eskitis Institute for Drug Discovery will explore the effects Zika virus has on neurological cells.

Eskitis in fight against drug-resistant parasites

Associate Professor Katherine Andrews from Griffith’s Eskitis Institute for Drug Discovery has joined an international team of researchers working on new drugs to combat deadly parasites.

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5 September 2017

My Mum is a Parasite Scientist. That’s RAD!

“My Mum is a Parasite Scientist. That’s RAD!” is the first of a series of books which was launched during...

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8 March 2016
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25 October 2013
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15 December 2023
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18 January 2022
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26 November 2021
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9 November 2015

Griffith research receives $7.8m in NHMRC funding

Griffith University researchers have secured $7.8 million in the latest funding allocation from the National Health and Medical Research Council.

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1 November 2011

Griffith researchers win major national funding

Griffith University has attracted $7.1 million from the Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage and Discovery Projects scheme and industry partners....

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