Griffith University has attracted $7.1 million from the Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage and Discovery Projects scheme and industry partners.

New drugs targeting tuberculosis, a management tool for effective wastewater control, influences on farmer suicide in Queensland and New South Wales, and the future of childhood anxiety treatment are some of the areas awarded to Griffith researchers.

Congratulating the researchers, Griffith University Vice Chancellor (Research) Professor Ned Pankhurst said the University was at the forefront of leading research in Australia.

“From excellence in excellence in health and science to education, environment and business, Griffith is a demonstrated research-intensive university with a comprehensive portfolio,” Professor Pankhurst said.

Details on the successful grants include:

Professor Igor Agranovski, Development of strategy for comprehensive protection of Australia against respiratory diseases by real time detection of airborne pathogenic microbes.

Professor Cliff Goddard and Dr Michael Haugh, Australians and Americans Talking: Culture, Interaction and Communication Style.

Professor Jason Sharman, Sovereignty at the Extremes: Micro-states and International Relations Theory.

Professor Bradley Sherman, Associate Professor Charles Lawson, Dr Jay Sanderson and Dr Leanne Wiseman, Securing Australia’s Food and Fibre Futures: Intellectual Property and Access to Plant Genetic Resources.

Professor Robyn Jorgensen, Social and geographical location and its impact on mathematics teaching and learning.

Dr Allison Waters and Professor Melanie Zimmer-Gembeck, The Future of Childhood Anxiety Treatment: Translating Cognitive-Neuroscience Insights into Clinical Practice.

Dr Guillermo Diaz-Pulido, Ecological competition between corals and algae in a high carbon dioxide world: understanding the mechanisms and implications for reef ecosystems.

Professor Andrew Brown and Mr Toby Gifford, Controlling Interactive Music Performance: Enhancing live performances by human musicians and algorithmic computer systems.

Professor Yi-chong Xu, State-Owned Enterprises and the Government in China: Who Drives?

Professor Richard Johnstone and Mr Igor Nossar, Australian Supply Chain Regulation: Practical Operation and Regulatory Effectiveness.

Dr Simon Linke and Dr Mark J Kennard, Systematic planning beyond conservation: a multi-objective, multi action framework for sustainable biodiversity.

Professor Ronald Quinn, Associate Professor Andreas Hofmann, Dr Omar Vandal and Dr Takushi Kaneko, Tuberculosis Drug Development, on their project Fragment based screening to deliver drugs targeting tuberculosis and the gametocyte and liver stages of Plasmodium.

Professor Huijun Zhao, Associate Professor Kewen Wang, Professor Ling Li and Dr Shanqing Zhang, A new management tool for effective wastewater source control

Professor Michael Balfour, Professor Wendy Moyle, Playful engagement and dementia: understanding the efficacy of applied theatre practices for people with dementia in residential aged care facilities.

Professor Diego De Leo, Professor Brian Kelly, Dr Helen Stain and Dr Allison Milner, Influences on farmer suicide in Queensland and New South Wales

Associate Professor Jago Dodson, Dr Matthew Burke and Dr Tiebei Li, Locating jobs to improve urban sustainability: investigating the Transport Impacts of Employment Decentralisation in Australian Cities (TIEDAC)

Dr Keith Townsend, Dr Sandra Lawrence, Professor Adrian Wilkinson and Dr David Greenfield, A dynamic model linking organisational systems to clinical performance in Australian hospitals

Professor Evan Gray and Associate Professor Xiangdong Yao, Advanced X-ray diffraction facility for high energy and extreme conditions.

Professor Ron Quinn, Associate Professor Sally-Ann Poulsen, Bioaffinity mass spectrometry infrastructure to identify small molecules binding to therapeutic targets.

Dr David Camp, Dr Katherine Andrews and Associate Professor Andreas Hofmann, Chem-biology computational platform for lead discovery in infectious disease.

Prof Huijun Zhao, National in-situ transmission electron microscope facilities.

Professor Mark Finnane, The Australasian Legal History Library: Creating historical depth in legal data on AustLII, to improve all legal research.