Bold experiment hailed a success by GAI and AIIA Queensland
“Well I can say one thing for sure, we will be having Griffith Asia Institute back” commented Paul Lucas, President...
“Well I can say one thing for sure, we will be having Griffith Asia Institute back” commented Paul Lucas, President...
The Griffith Asia Business Internship Program or ‘GABI’, started in early November, with 31 students kickstarting careers and establishing professional...
The Griffith Asia Business Internship program has been awarded over $200,000 in New Columbo Plan grants for 2022.
Griffith students will finally return to the Indo-Pacific after COVID-19 forced New Colombo Plan Mobility Program internships and exchanges online for two years.
The Griffith Asia Business Internships Program or 'GABI', started in early November, with 40 students kickstarting careers and establishing professional networks in the Asia-Pacific region.
Project to support improvement of water governance and management in Lao People’s Democratic Republic.
Participants in a recent 10-week Leadership for Gender Inclusion program delivered by Griffith in Laos with funding from the Australian Government have praised the unique opportunity.
More than $1.4 million in funding from the New Colombo Plan Mobility Program will allow 413 Griffith students to participate in projects across the Indo-Pacific over three years.
Bolstering employability by developing transversal skills and attributes that employers are seeking in graduate applicants, Claire Doherty is currently completing...
Bolstering employability by developing transversal skills and attributes that employers are seeking in graduate applicants, Dahlia Bar is currently completing...