Search results for: tony abbott

Showing 1 - 10 of 47 results

8 October 2013
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29 January 2015

Shopping for children: Australian adoption market puts them at risk

On Sunday, January 25, Prime Minister Tony Abbott released a little more detail about his plans for adoption in Australia. Dr Patricia Fronek talks through the issues.

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7 July 2014

Are we now shifting responsibility for adopted children offshore?

It’s not just refugees being sent overseas. Prime minister Tony Abbott is prepared to hand over Australia’s obligations towards children to countries that are not party to the 1993 Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption.

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22 May 2014

Changes to intercountry adoption must put children’s needs first

Prime minister Tony Abbott has released the Report of the Interdepartmental Committee on Intercountry Adoption and announced changes to “enable more people to find families”, not meet children’s needs. This wordplay is more important than it might seem, writes Dr Patricia Fronek, School of Human Services and Social Work.

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25 September 2013
Flood scene to go with Griffith Uni op ed.

Disaster management needs robust approach

Tony Abbott's 'method' could be just the tonic for natural disaster management policy.

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2 September 2013
Zim Nwokora, seated, makes a point with right arm gesticulation

Party politics leads campaign down US trail

With Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott taking centre stage, the Federal Election campaign has a US flavour, writes Dr Zim Nwokora.

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14 July 2022

In pursuit of the truth with Leigh Sales AM

Kerry O’Brien in conversation with one of Australia’s most well-respected journalists Leigh Sales AM. With 27 years at the helm of the ABC’s 7:30 between them, the pair discusses life at the pinnacle of daily television affairs.

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4 June 2021
Premier?Annastacia Palaszczuk

In Conversation with The Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk MP

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has a unique opportunity to lead Queensland through the state’s first four-year fixed term with an increased majority after the...

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21 June 2016

Federal Election 2016: What we are saying

Griffith University experts have contributed to media analysis of the double dissolution election.

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25 May 2016
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