Search results for: ruth mcphail

Showing 1 - 10 of 15 results

6 December 2017

Five minutes with…Ruth McPhail

WOW’s Professor Ruth McPhail is Head of the Department of Employment Relations and Human Resources (with whom the Centrehas a...

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22 September 2015
Associate Professor Ruth McPhail has been awarded a Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning as part of the Australian Awards for University Teaching

Ruth helping to change the world one student at a time

Students don’t have to wait until they’ve graduated from high school to meet passionate business academic Ruth McPhail. TheGriffith Business...

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26 May 2022
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24 October 2019
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13 September 2018

Fifteen representatives from Bhutan learn workforce training and evaluation in Australia

This Short Course follows the successful ‘Human Resource Development and Planning’ Short Course delivered for recipients from Bhutan in 2016.

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21 August 2018

Griffith teachers among nation’s finest

The university is home to a number of academic teachers who have been recognised for outstanding contributions to the quality of student learning over the past several years.

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21 July 2017
Tim Gibson

How a backup plan can lead to your dream career

Set backs are an inevitable part of life, but Associate Professor Ruth McPhail, from Griffith Business School believes that not...

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27 April 2017
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8 December 2016
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1 December 2016
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