Search results for: queensland treasury corporation

Showing 1 - 7 of 7 results

17 January 2022
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7 January 2022

Centre for Applied Energy Economics and Policy Research launch

Griffith Business Schoolisexcited to announce the establishment of the Centre for Applied Energy Economics and Policy Research (CAEEPR). Vice Chancellor...

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6 October 2016
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21 June 2016

Choir’s impact on urban Indigenous youth recognised with Qld Reconciliation Award

The Yugambeh Museum Youth Choir, established by Griffith Arts Research candidate Candace Kruger, has been named the winner of the...

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31 August 2022

What can unions and the Albanese government offer each other at the jobs summit?

The Jobs and Skills Summit will attempt to lay the groundwork for several years of policy development. The unions and the government will both look for co-operation from the other over the long haul.

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1 February 2022

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

Inequalities, based on issues such as gender, disability, age, race, income and opportunity, persist across the world — both within and between countries. Beyond the very real impacts that inequalities have on people’s day to day lives, they limit social and economic development, and reduce our ability to effectively address global crises. 

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1 June 2015
Griffith University's fifth Chancellor, Mr Henry Smerdon AM DUniv

Meet the new Chancellor, Mr Henry Smerdon AM DUniv

Mr Henry Smerdon AM DUniv today assumed the role of Chancellor of Griffith University following the retirement of The Honourable Ms Leneen Forde AC. Here Mr Smerdon outlines his vision for the role and the future of the University

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