Search results for: mechatronic

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 results

19 October 2017

That’s gold! Griffith finds cheap way to detect cancer

Griffith University scientists have developed a new class of nanomaterials that could detect early cancer. The inexpensive, non-invasive diagnostic tool...

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4 September 2014
Promo ad for Aptitude for Engineering Assessment test

Engineering beckons through aptitude program

With recent statistics ranking people with Engineering degrees among the highest earning university graduates, Griffith University’s Aptitude for Engineering Assessment...

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6 August 2014
Bryce Davies

Taking flight with work-integrated-learning

Final year electronic and computer engineering student, Bryce Davies has just completed his six-month Industry Affiliates Program placement with the...

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17 October 2013
Riccardo Campione from the Griffith School of Engineering

Engineering student claims prize in global presentation competition

Convened by the Institution of Engineering and Technology, the 'Present Around the World' competition is open to university engineering - primarily electronic - students in their last year of study.

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28 June 2013
Griffith ICT student and their Smartphone automated car

Gold Coast student success at the Queensland iAwards

A team of Information and Communications Technology students from the Gold Coast campus has won an award for designing a Smartphone Driven Automated Vehicle at the 2013 Queensland iAwards in Brisbane.

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