Griffith Alumnus journey with MS, graduation success and scoring the perfect job
Managing multiple sclerosis, Griffith University Alumnus Gavin Jackson persevered to achieve a Bachelor’s degree in Human Services, which landed him the perfect job.
Managing multiple sclerosis, Griffith University Alumnus Gavin Jackson persevered to achieve a Bachelor’s degree in Human Services, which landed him the perfect job.
Griffith music students have created a special graduation song for the Class of 2020.
Keely Houghton’s internship with YCL Jewels has given her a portfolio of experiences and skills to display in interviews, which helped her land a job before she’s finished her Griffith University degree.
Multi-linguist looks to future with tourism degree
Bachelor of Commerce student Alexander MacInnes got the call that would change his career during final exams.
The first cohort of undergraduate Chinese students in Biomolecular Science completed their program of study with the School of Natural...
When Rowena met Reza, a challenging and rewarding relationship began.
Family, friends and employers play their part in Kathleen's second degree
Triumphant graduate makes stand for single mums