The first cohort of undergraduate Chinese students in Biomolecular Science completed their program of study with the School of Natural Sciences at Griffith in semester 1, 2015.

Following thisprogram, students from the Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine (NJUTCM) Bachelor of Science articulate into the Griffith Bachelor of Biomolecular Science with advanced standing.

The students attended an informal gathering on July 30which was presided over by NJUTCM’s Vice President, Professor Guicheng Huang and Professor Sarah Todd, Pro Vice Chancellor (International), Griffith University. The students also attended the formal Griffith Graduation Ceremony held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Established in 1954, NJUCM is one of the earliest established universities of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China, and is a World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre for Traditional Medicine.

TCM’s are central to health care in China, and Griffith’s School of Natural Sciences and the Eskitis Institute collaborate with ongoing projects and initiatives with Chinese institutions in this area.

Further cohorts of students under the joint undergraduate program in Biomolecular Science commenced study in semesters 1 & 2, 2015.