Search results for: fossil

Showing 1 - 10 of 114 results

7 August 2024
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23 August 2022
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6 July 2022

Underwater cave fossil site gains state protections

Now protected underwater cave site contains the only known extensive underwater vertebrate fossil deposits in Australia.

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30 June 2020

New fossil family of giant wombat relatives discovered in Australia

A group of Australian and international palaeontologists have identified a giant wombat-like animal so unique they had to create an entirely new family of marsupials.

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19 May 2020

Queensland fossils shed light on megafauna extinction

Griffith University researchers were part of a group of Australian palaeontologists who announced the discovery of new extinct Australian megafauna...

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2 April 2020

Fossil skull casts doubt over modern human ancestry

Griffith University scientists have led an international team to date the skull of an early human found in Africa, potentially upending human evolution knowledge with their discovery.

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2 April 2020
Brain imprints in fossil skulls of the species Australopithecus afarensis (famous for “Lucy” and the “Dikika child” from Ethiopia pictured here) shed new light on the evolution of brain growth and organisation. The exceptionally preserved endocranial imprint of the Dikika child reveals an ape-like brain organisation, and no features derived towards human

Fossil skull reveals ape-like brain but prolonged growth similar to humans

Three-million-year-old brain imprints in fossil skulls of the species Australopithecus afarensis (famous for “Lucy” and the “Dikika child’’ from Ethiopia) shed new light on the evolution of brain growth.

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28 May 2018
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11 May 2017

Griffith researchers date South Africa’s peculiar Homo naledi fossils

Scientists from Griffith’s Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution(ARCHE) have helped discoverHomo naledi’s surprisingly young age,opening up more questions on...

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9 June 2016
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