Griffith experts take leading role in national environmental research hub
Griffith University will host eastern node of a new environmental research hub providing leadership in threatened species and extreme events such as bushfires.
Griffith University will host eastern node of a new environmental research hub providing leadership in threatened species and extreme events such as bushfires.
The volume of Griffith University's quality research in Physical Sciences increased in the three years to 2018.
Results highlight Griffith Science’s success in various broad and specific fields of research.
Griffith Sciences awards highlight achievement of professional and academic staff for 2018.
A Memorandum of Understanding between Griffith University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences promises enormous benefits for scientists, postgraduate students and young researchers
WORLDREP is a unique double degree, student mobility program for journalism students. In 2014 Griffith University began collaborations with the...
Pro Vice Chancellor Professor Debra Henly has honoured the achievements of Griffith Sciences researchers, teachers and general staff with her 2014 awards for excellence
Griffith has celebrated the launch of IMPACT@Griffith Sciences; a quarterly magazine, website and lecture series.
For the first time plastics have been assessed in lakes across the world, with some found to be worse impacted than oceans
Blending science and indigenous knowledge to improve understanding of Minjerribah's wetland conditions and provide a means for their ongoing monitoring.