Griffith has celebrated the launch ofIMPACT@Griffith Sciences; a quarterly magazine, website and lecture series.

The inaugural lecture, From Mungo Man to Moreton Bay: A Journey Through Time and Sediment, was presented by Professor Jon Olley at the Brisbane Square Library before an audience of more than 100 people.

Pro Vice Chancellor of Griffith Sciences, Professor Debra Henly said she was delighted that this new forum would allow information about research being undertaken at Griffith to be made available to the broader community.

“There is so much extraordinary work being done in science at Griffith, from research into quantum dynamics, to drug discovery, engineering and IT and, of course, environmental science for which Griffith has long been regarded a leader,” Professor Henly said.

“We have developed IMPACT@Griffith Sciences as part a multi-faceted response by the University to address the Australia-wide need to boost science, technology, engineering and maths skills.

“I am delighted that so many members of the public and the Griffith University community were able to help us celebrate the launch of IMPACT@Griffith Sciences by attending the inaugural lecture.”

During his presentation Professor Olley described how environmental forensic science is helping to solve problems. This ranges from dating the earliest known human ritual burial at Lake Mungo, to identifying the factors impacting on the health of Moreton Bay.

These are the sorts of the fascinating stories of discovery which will be told through IMPACT@Griffith Sciences.

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