Griffith trains autism researchers of tomorrow
The University has launched a new doctoral program to give future autism researchers the skills and experience they need to...
The University has launched a new doctoral program to give future autism researchers the skills and experience they need to...
Parents of children with autism want more research to support their child’s wellbeing at home, school and the community.
The latestautism researchwill be showcased attheAustralasian Society for Autism Research (ASfAR) ConferenceatGriffith University’s Gold Coast campus this week. With more...
A 450km bike ride has raised almost $32,000 for the Autism Centre of Excellence (ACE) to help support parents of...
Researchers call for a consistent set of guidelines to support clinicians and caregivers in providing therapy and supports for children on the autism spectrum.
An Australian-first study explores the self-reported best attributes and strengths of 83 children on the autism spectrum.
Griffith University researchers will lead 17 new Discovery Projects across a broad field of knowledge after being awarded over $7.735 million from the Australian Research Council.
Helping people on the autism spectrum and their families stay connected with essential services via the delivery of telehealth is the aim of an Advance Queensland Fellowship
Five Griffith University researchers have been awarded Advance Queensland COVID-19 Industry Research Fellowships.
Three-year project finds single gene that regulates a network of genes linked to causing autism and intellectual disability.