Search results for: arc discovery

Showing 1 - 10 of 497 results

25 November 2022
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18 January 2022
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5 December 2019
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5 November 2019
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28 November 2018

Griffith researchers earn more than $5m in ARC Discovery funding for 2019

The Minister for Education, the Honorable Dan Tehan, announced the outcomes of the ARC’s Discovery and Linkage program applications on Tuesday.

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13 November 2017

Griffith Business School attracts over $850,000 in research funding through ARC Discovery Program

A trio of Griffith Business School researchers has been awarded significant funding through the Australian Research Council’s Discovery Program, collectively...

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8 November 2012
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30 October 2023
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3 March 2021
Three-dimensional structure of the SARM1 protein determined by cryo-electron microscopy. Credit: Jeff Nanson.

New research discovery may help fast-track drug development for neurodegenerative disorders

A Griffith University-led research team has discovered how a therapeutic target common among debilitating neurodegenerative disorders is activated, which could help accelerate drug development.

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3 November 2020
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