17 ARC Discovery Projects for Griffith researchers in 2023
Griffith University researchers will lead 17 new Discovery Projects across a broad field of knowledge after being awarded over $7.735 million from the Australian Research Council.
Griffith University researchers will lead 17 new Discovery Projects across a broad field of knowledge after being awarded over $7.735 million from the Australian Research Council.
Researchers have received grants worth over $6.96 million from the Australian Research Council.
Griffith University has been awarded $3,376,073 for ARC Discovery and Linkage Projects.
Five Griffith University researchers have been more awarded $2.1 million in Australian Research Council funding.
The Minister for Education, the Honorable Dan Tehan, announced the outcomes of the ARC’s Discovery and Linkage program applications on Tuesday.
A trio of Griffith Business School researchers has been awarded significant funding through the Australian Research Council’s Discovery Program, collectively...
We are delighted to report that we have again been successful this year in being awarded ARC Discovery Project grants...
Nine new Griffith-led ARC Discovery Projects awarded $3,622,738.
A Griffith University-led research team has discovered how a therapeutic target common among debilitating neurodegenerative disorders is activated, which could help accelerate drug development.
Griffith University researchers have been awarded more than $2 million in Australian Research Council (ARC) funding in the the ARC...