Search results for: andrew oneil

Showing 1 - 10 of 28 results

18 June 2019

Commonwealth Games: good for the Gold Coast, bad for business

New Griffith research examines local business opinion about the Commonwealth Games, 12 months on.

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14 March 2019

Academics seeking input from Gold Coast businesses for Commonwealth Games impact survey

The survey seeks to reconcile the Games' lofty expectations with the reality of its impact and legacy, one year on.

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16 October 2018
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8 May 2018

Stability and growth drive 2018 Budget defence portfolio

The primary outlays in the Defence portfolio are once again fixed personnel costs, continuing global operations, and phased capability acquisitions.

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5 July 2017

Implications of North Korea’s ICBM test

North Korea's announcement that it has successfully tested a ballistic missile with an intercontinental range has been highly anticipated for some time.

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9 May 2017

Defence holding steady

  While the 2017 Defence budget confirms a commitment to large-scale projects currently in play, an emphasis on job creation...

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10 November 2016
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28 April 2016

2016 Budget expert list

Griffith has a range of experts available to provide analysis and commentary on the 2016 Federal Election.

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21 April 2016

Federal elections experts

Griffith has a range of experts available for commentary and analysis on the 2016 federal election.

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7 January 2016
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