International anti-corruption leaders join new Integrity School
Two world-leading figures in anti-corruption will join Griffith University as speakers and instructors in the inaugural Asia-Pacific Integrity School to...
Two world-leading figures in anti-corruption will join Griffith University as speakers and instructors in the inaugural Asia-Pacific Integrity School to...
At the recent Australasian Business Ethics Network (ABEN), Clare Burns, PhD candidate and sessional academic in the Department of Business...
Recent high-profile deaths of Indigenous people in police custody show a lack of meaningful progress despite over 25 years since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody says Griffith University law professor.
The Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) visited Griffith this week to further advance the strong collaboration initiated in 2012, with...
Queensland Conservatorium lecturer Professor Vanessa Tomlinson turns artist-in-residence at the Smithsonian as part of its 2019 Year of Music.
Health communication experts from Croakey, The Institute for Urban Indigenous Health, The Conversation, Griffith Review, have collaborated with Griffith academics...
Queensland College of Art have hosted the state's best high school visual arts students in collaboration with the Department of Education and QAGOMA.
Human clinical trial success of new drug candidate to treat viral arthritis caused by mosquito-borne infections.
Griffith COP25 delegates report on the climate conference's highs and lows.
Last known remains of modern human ancestors dated by Griffith archaeologist.