Griffith University researchers have been awarded more $8.5 million for eight of 22 projects announced in the Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellowship (FT24) round.

Out of 22 applications, Griffith was awarded eight Fellowships totalling $8,587,849.

This result represents a success rate of 36.4 per cent from its applications, one of the highest in the nation.

The successful Griffith researchers and projects were: 

Associate Professor Fernanda Adame (Sciences, Australian Rivers Institute) has been awarded $1,058,024 for the project titled Carbon negative freshwater wetlands: Novel pathways of carbon sequestration. 

Associate Professor Porun Liu (Sciences, Centre for Catalysis and Clean Energy) has been awarded $1,195,492 for the project titled Porous Electrode Design for Electrochemical Conversion of Captured CO2.  

Dr Ferran Martinez i Coma (Business, Centre for Governance and Public Policy) has been awarded $1,031,246 for the project titled Resilient elections: How to Strengthen Our Democracies.

Dr Sergei Slussarenko (Sciences, Centre for Quantum Dynamics) has been awarded $1,067,272 for the project titled Pioneering Quantum Advantage for Distributed Precision Metrology. 

Professor Hang Ta (Sciences, Queensland Micro and Nanotechnology Centre) has been awarded $1,196,111 for the project titled Materials to cross gastrointestinal barrier and escape liver metabolism.

Dr Lisa Stafford (Health Group) has been awarded $1,052,822 for the project titled Transport Equity For All. 

Associate Professor Danielle Harris (Arts, Education and Law (AEL), Griffith Criminology Institute) has been awarded $1,064,423 for the project titled Understanding the Collateral Consequences of Sex Offender Legislation.

Dr Jun Zhang (Sciences, Queensland Micro and Nanotechnology Centre) has been awarded $922,459 for the project titled Stretchable microfluidics for improved fluid and particle handling. 

12: Responsible Consumption and Production
UN Sustainable Development Goals 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

13: Climate Action
UN Sustainable Development Goals 13: Climate Action

14: Life Below Water
UN Sustainable Development Goals 14: Life Below Water

15: Life on Land
UN Sustainable Development Goals 15: Life on Land

16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
UN Sustainable Development Goals 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

17: Partnerships for the Goals
UN Sustainable Development Goals 17: Partnerships for the Goals

3: Good Health and Well-being
UN Sustainable Development Goals 3: Good Health and Well-being

6: Clean Water and Sanitation
UN Sustainable Development Goals 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

7: Affordable and Clean Energy
UN Sustainable Development Goals 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
UN Sustainable Development Goals 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
UN Sustainable Development Goals 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure