13 - Climate Action

Search all articles within the 13 - Climate Action Sustainable Development Goal

Showing 1 - 10 of 92 results

22 July 2024
Appliance junk

Is Australia becoming a dumping ground for unrepairable appliances?

What happens when appliances break? Unfortunately, broken appliances are unlikely to be repaired. It doesn’t have to be this way, however. If we fail to keep up with legal developments in other parts of the world, Australia could soon become a dumping ground for cheap and nasty appliances.

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19 July 2024

Economic outcomes and impacts of ‘eco anxieties’

Study suggests tracking changes in eco-anxiety and matching them to lifestyle choices. 

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18 July 2024

Logged forests have ecological value – if not pushed too far   

Researchers reveal “thresholds” for when logged rainforests lose the ability to sustain themselves while highlighting value of already logged forests.

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18 July 2024

Study highlights Australia’s troubling role in global forest carbon decline  

Findings underscore Australia's emergence as negative outlier as forest areas and carbon stocks decline.

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17 July 2024

iKnow weKnow empowers Indigenous communities for a sustainable future 

Collaborative research co-designs water and energy management solutions with communities.  

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16 July 2024

Opportunities to flow from first river given ‘personhood’ status  

First river in NZ granted 'personhood' status subject of formal partnership between ARI and Whanganui people.

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10 July 2024

Whale remains tracked to highlight disposal benefits 

Study highlights sustainable, cultural and ecosystem benefits for offshore removal or decomposition. 

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25 June 2024
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24 June 2024
Queen of One Tree island

Women and the Reef: An Australian Story

Australia’s stories live on the Great Barrier Reef.  From the timeless relations of First Nations people, legacies and travesties of...

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17 June 2024
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