New wave of engineering students look to Griffith

The effect of a government push to boost numbers of females graduating with STEM-related degrees is evident at Griffith's School of Engineering.
Griffith Sciences
For soon-to-be Griffith engineering student, Kiarna Broomhead, the decision was easy. On receiving an early offer to study at Griffith School of Engineering, the 17-year-old instantly called her dad who reminded her it was exactly the result for which she had hoped. She accepted in an instant and immediately breathed a sigh of relief and […]

Griffith is inspiring the scientists of the future

Griffith PhD Candidate, Mariel Familiar-López ran a ‘Specimen preparation in the lab’ workshop.
Griffith Sciences
Griffith Uni is giving science teachers the cutting-edge research and skills to inspire their students to be scientists of the future. TheScience on the GO!‘Cutting Edge STEM Professional Development Day for Teachers and Scientific Operations Officers’ was held across the Nathan and Gold Coast campuses this week. Griffith is a leading institution in the field […]

International robots battle it out in Australian challenge

Griffith Sciences
Student robotic enthusiasts from around the world gathered to take their creations into competition for the3rd Australian Robotics Challenge, hosted by Griffith University. About 200 participants took part in the impressive event, from China, Korea, the Philippines and Australia. Hosted by Griffith University’s Robotics Lab, the event ran across three days at theGold Coast campus, […]