Griffith Institute for Educational Research

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Showing 11 - 20 of 56 results

6 March 2024
A young girl takes a photo with a smartphone of flowers in a garden bed

Transforming early learning through curiosity and interest

The key to boosting a child’s cognitive and emotional development lies in promoting an active interest in topics or activities, Griffith University researchers have found.

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18 December 2023
A teacher assists a student

EPIC Strategy for Better Education

Student learning and wellbeing is maximised when parents and teachers work cohesively together, a landmark study has found. Griffith University...

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6 October 2023
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24 July 2023
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8 June 2023

TIDE Summit Transforming Indigenous Education in Practice

Griffith University’s School of Education and Professional Studies is proudly hosting the 8th annual Creating Futures Summit Series, inviting participants to have conversations that matter to teaching and teacher education.

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14 July 2021
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13 July 2021
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7 June 2021

Griffith leads the way in gifted and talented education

Griffith University education lecturer Dr Michelle Ronksley-Pavia has developed a new online training course for teachers, to help them recognise and support the needs of gifted and talented children.

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22 April 2021
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16 November 2020
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