Centre for Mental Health

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28 November 2023
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16 November 2023
Muscular man with a syringe


The pursuit of unrealistic body ideals, shaped by social pressures and online influencers, particularly impacts young men, leading to dissatisfaction and risky behaviours like using image and performance-enhancing drugs (IPEDs) says Dr Tim Piatkowski.

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15 November 2023

Criminalisation Prevents Steroid Users from Seeking Help

New research from Griffith University’s School of Applied Psychology has investigated the effect criminalisation of Anabolic—Androgenic Steroid (AAS) use has on users’ ability to seek help.

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13 October 2023
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26 June 2023
AI artificial intelligence and digital mental health

The use of AI in digital mental health

Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have the potential to enhance productivity and increase in annual GDP. However, the risks associated with AI also need to be studied. Digital mental health faces challenges in providing integrated and effective solutions, but early evidence suggests feasibility and effectiveness. Understanding the complex relationship between mental health and its factors is crucial for innovation in digital mental health and its potential interventions.

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2 May 2023
Alexandra Wilson

Jaunts to Geneva to spruik self-care

Griffith University medical student Alexandra Wilson has received a Global Voices scholarship to attend the World Health Organisation’s World Health Assembly this May in Geneva.

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18 April 2023
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21 March 2023

Sex, labour, and financial exchange in couchsurfing

Couchsurfing is a growing form of homelessness in many countries including Australia, however, new research suggests it is especially common within the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community.

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5 January 2023
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