Teenage girls need to shape up for parenting
Griffith Health Institute Professor Andrew Hills believes there needs to be a concerted effort to change how we develop healthy children into healthy women
Griffith Health Institute Professor Andrew Hills believes there needs to be a concerted effort to change how we develop healthy children into healthy women
Teen girls are influenced by their father's drinking habits a new Griffith University study shows.
Despite the best efforts of educators, government, and law enforcers, teen bullying and sexting are still very much a part of many Australian teen girls’ lives.
Rejection, teasing and victimisation can be extremely distressing for teens and such experiences are expected to cause eating disorders, body and muscle distortion, social anxiety and depression.
A group of year 10 girls were given a hands-on workshop on the wonders of physics at a Tall Poppies workshop held at Griffith University
Teenage boys are just as likely to be victims of cyberbullying as teenage girls, prompting a timely reminder for parents to be on top of internet usage and access.
Australian teenage girls value friendships more than anything else in their everyday online interactions, with the most sought after identity being the “good girl”.
This conversation sees Kerry O'Brien speak with acclaimed authors David Malouf, Melissa Lucashenko and Trent Dalton about Australia’s evolving storytelling culture.
The power of culture In this interview Kerry O’Brien talked to Rhoda Roberts AO and Wesley Enoch AM about the power of cultural...
A Safer Place In this country, one in four women has experienced violence from an intimate partner. On average, one...