Elite student athletes shine at Griffith Blues Awards
Grififth's elite student athletes were recognised at the 2024 Blues Awards
Grififth's elite student athletes were recognised at the 2024 Blues Awards
Year 12 students from Brisbane and Gold Coast showcased their analytical and investigative skills at the Better Business Conference, hosted by Griffith Business School, and in collaboration with the Academy of Excellence in Financial Crime Investigation and Compliance. The competition enabled the students to play the role of financial crime investigators in a challenging financial crime scenario where they were tasked with deciphering clues and uncovering the Mastermind behind a sophisticated redirection scam.
Griffith received Gold Tier status for continued dedication to a safe and supportive culture for LGBTIQA+ staff and students.
Five Griffith students have been awarded coveted scholarships with the Nation’s premier body for swimming, Swimming Australia.
Clean sweep continues at the Minister's Planning Awards.
Elite athlete and Bachelor of Psychology student, Cassiel Rousseau, has capped off a stunning 12 months by being named the recipient of the Most Outstanding Sporting Achievement at the University's annual Blues Awards for Sporting Excellence
Griffith University is in the spotlight after winning three of seven categories at the 2023 Australian Financial Review Higher Education Awards.
Brisbane will be home to a new Academy of Excellence in Musical theatre, with Griffith University and Queensland Performing Arts Centre (QPAC) announcing a groundbreaking initiative to revolutionise musical theatre education and performance in Queensland and beyond.
Griffith University is the first Queensland University to achieve a Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE) Cygnet Award, in recognition of Griffith’s achievements in reducing barriers for people of diverse gender, bodies and sexuality (DGBS/LGBTQIA+).
PhD candidate and Bidjara woman Michelle Hobbs recognised with science award.