Funding gift for spinal injury clinical trial
A clinical trial to test the efficacy and safety of the transplantation of nasal cells to treat chronic spinal cord...
A clinical trial to test the efficacy and safety of the transplantation of nasal cells to treat chronic spinal cord...
A Phase I human clinical trial is set to commence to test the efficacy and safety of the transplantation of olfactory cell nerve bridges to treat chronic spinal cord injury.
A state-of-the-art livecyte microscope at the Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery is leading the Spinal Injury Project team toward human clinical trials.
Griffith University’s world-first study into cell transplantation to repair injuries to the nervous system has received a major boost thanks to a $5.4 million funding extension from the MAIC.
Flexible implanted electronics a step closer towards clinical applications with innovative silicon carbide technology.
A Griffith Health trained Emergency doctor who is also the Project Co-lead on the University’s innovative Biospine project has been awarded 2021 Queensland Australian of the Year.
Griffith University’s leading researchers have been recognised at the 2020 Vice Chancellor’s Research Excellence Awards.
A team of Griffith University researchers has won the prestigious Marshall and Warren Innovation Award at the annual NHMRC Research Excellence Awards.
Leading drug discoveryinstitute announced newmember of the Association of Australian Medical Research Institutes.
World-leading Griffith research into the development of a cell-based therapy for treating spinal cord injuries has received a $5.7m boost from the state government.