A commitment to lifelong learning
Richard Gallaher is a proud Indigenous Australian and is passionate about creating a brighter future for all.Richard is the first...
Richard Gallaher is a proud Indigenous Australian and is passionate about creating a brighter future for all.Richard is the first...
Saffi Abad is the inaugural winner of the Ron Ould Memorial Scholarship, which recognises outstanding participants in Griffith University's Community Internship program.
Griffith researcher says the technology-driven revolution in urban transport has completely missed the suburbs, which lack public transport services and shared micromobility devices.
Griffith will be a foundation partner of a new and free Qld centric digital news service.
Strengtheningmidwifery education standardsto improve maternity serviceswas the call at the recent Trans-Tasman Midwifery Education conference.
A wealth of new student learning opportunities is on the agenda as the new Griffith University School of Medicine at the Sunshine Coast prepares to open its doors.
Feedback a key component in moving online education forward.
Student feedback on the use of enterprise social network tool, Yammer, is resoundingly positive.
Education student Rachael Heritage has won a national writing award.
More than 200 teachers from across Queensland converged in Brisbane recently, for the inaugural Queensland Numeracy Summit, hosted by Griffith’s...