School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences night of nights
Griffith University’s School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences has celebrated its high achieving Pharmacy and Pharmacology students and alumni at its awards night on the Gold Coast.
Griffith University’s School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences has celebrated its high achieving Pharmacy and Pharmacology students and alumni at its awards night on the Gold Coast.
Griffith University extends its warmest congratulations to Bachelor of Pharmacy graduate Georgina Morris who has received The Pharmacy Guild of Australia / MIMS Intern of the Year 2022!
Severalhighly regarded Griffith educators have been awarded Citations for OutstandingContributions to Student Learning in the 2020Australian Awards for University Teachinground.
Re-think on outdated ‘morning after’ terminology urged after study finds more than 25% of Schoolies believed emergency contraception pill was harmful.
Pharmacy student Kelly Meuleman's career path pivoted after a tragedy close to home.
Alpha blockers may reduce the risk of prostate cancer recurrence a Griffith University study has found.
Researchers found multiple time targets improved in ED, despite 51.4% rise in patients presenting with stroke.
A passion to teach not just languages but impart knowledge about different cultures and people plays a major part of...
Leaders in the field of corporate governance and medicine have led the Griffith community who have been honoured in the 2023 King's Birthday list.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students experienced a taste of university life and allied health careers at a three-day immersive camp.