Prostate cancer treatment given new hope with MRFF win
New anti-cancer agents to treat advanced prostate cancer aim of MRFF grant.
New anti-cancer agents to treat advanced prostate cancer aim of MRFF grant.
New research reveals lowering cholesterol could potentially prevent or help stop the spread of prostate cancer.
A new anti-cancer drug for prostate cancer overcomes the twin problems plaguing researchers for decades. It halts metastasis (tumour spread) and drug resistance.
Alpha blockers may reduce the risk of prostate cancer recurrence a Griffith University study has found.
In a world firsttrial, Australian researchers have found that robotic-assisted prostatectomy is providing equal outcomes for urinary and erectile function to open prostatectomy.
Men with prostate cancer undergo unique psychological and physical barriers to maximising their health, but a Griffith Health Institute study has found exercise may play a vital role for men, especially if it is tailored to the individual
Facing the Tiger- A Guide for Men with Prostate Cancer and the People who Love them, is a no-nonsense game plan for living with prostate cancer, by Griffith Health Institute Professor, Suzanne Chambers
Griffith University researchers influenced passing of Nigerian bill making breast, cervical and prostate cancer education compulsory in high schools, providing a sustainable pathway to cancer prevention.
Griffith University researchers are conducting a world-leading trial assessing the role of exercise as therapy for women with recurrent ovarian cancer
A $2million grant from Cancer Council of Queensland will help Griffith researchers continue vital work in bolstering survival rates in women treated for ovarian cancer.