Persian plateau unveiled as crucial hub for early human migration out of Africa
Study sheds new light on the complex journey of human populations from Africa into Eurasia.
Study sheds new light on the complex journey of human populations from Africa into Eurasia.
Findings support growing consensus for lush Jordan Rift Valley that funnelled migrants into western Asia and northern Arabia.
Scientists from Griffith University have played a crucial role in helping an international team of archaeologists rewrite the timeline of...
The fight against malaria has a distinctly personal connection for Uganda-born Aloysious Ssemaganda, who knows the disease only too well. Aloysious has joined Professor Good, from Griffith University’s Institute for Glycomics, in a bid to beat malaria.
New archaeological research demonstrates earliest projectile technology in the tropical rainforests of Sri Lanka.
Scientists from Griffith’s Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution(ARCHE) have helped discoverHomo naledi’s surprisingly young age,opening up more questions on...
Dr Emma Palmer from Griffith Asia Institute has been awarded an Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Early Career Researcher Award...
Sexual harassment in hospitality and tourism is pervasive, with nearly half of workers affected. Media coverage often misrepresents victims and aggressors, perpetuating biases that hinder meaningful change and safety in the industry.
Griffith University has named five winners at its prestigious Outstanding Alumni Awards 2022, with an acclaimed Aboriginal author taking out the top gong.
Study finds humpback whale super-groups follow changing ocean currents and phytoplanktonblooms.