Our Federal Future – Sir Samuel Griffith Legacy Series
Some of Australia’s leading academic experts on federalism have linked up with government officials and political leaders for the Sir Samuel Griffith Legacy Series on Australia’s Federal Future
Some of Australia’s leading academic experts on federalism have linked up with government officials and political leaders for the Sir Samuel Griffith Legacy Series on Australia’s Federal Future
A new policy brief from the Griffith Asia Institute evaluates Australia’s 2024 green energy-related policies and examines their potential impact...
As a civic institution, Griffith University is committed to deep engagement with our local communities and unlocking knowledge and foresight from influential thinkers and leaders. On 4 October 2023, we proudly presented the inaugural Brighter Future for All Oration at Brisbane City Hall with The Honorable Dr Jim Chalmers MP, Treasurer of Australia and one of our most distinguished alumni.
New research into Australia’s political party policies during the 2022 election indicates the increasing difference between the major political parties based on their alignment with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We all have things that are broken around our homes. Old iPhones, microwaves, fridges, washing machines or everyday consumer devices, such as our fitbits, tablets and computers. If we can’t fix them, they usually end of going into the rubbish and then ending up as landfill. Did you know that there are over 140,000 tonnes of e-Waste generated by Australians every year?
Griffith University has been awarded Five ARC Future Fellowships.
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has a unique opportunity to lead Queensland through the state’s first four-year fixed term with an increased majority after the...
Griffith political experts foresee the upcoming election as pivotal on several fronts, not least because it is the first time in any Australian state or federal election there are two female candidates.
Four Griffith University researchers have been awarded Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellowships worth more than $3.8 million.
Griffith Business School has secured a $100,000 Federal Government grant to support a second year of its successful tax clinic.