Devil in the detail — What corporations aren’t disclosing about their C02 emissions
A new study finds most corporations don't report the full scope of their carbon footprint with many claiming to be ‘green’.
A new study finds most corporations don't report the full scope of their carbon footprint with many claiming to be ‘green’.
Griffith University’s Business School (GBS) ranked number one overall in the Top 40 Corporate Knights’ 2023 Better World MBA ranking.
Alumnus Adrian Letilovic’s career shows the arts sector has much to contribute to the corporate world in today’s changing environment....
Griffith Business School has ranked first in Asia-Pacific and fifth overall globally in the 2019 Corporate Knights Better World MBA Ranking.
Professor Susanne Kastedt from the Griffith Criminology Institute has been awarded a prestigious 2019 Madgadalene-Schoch Fellowship from the University of Hamburg.
The government’s amendments to overhaul protections for corporate employees could not come at a better time, writes Professor A J Brown.
The University's program has seen significant year-on-year improvement in its field.
Griffith Press Club expert panel on strategies to manage alternative facts.
Centre for Governance and Public Policy hosts ninth annual book launch.
Climate responses are often distant global discussions that don’t translate to the everyday lived experience of local communities. The embeddedness of community radio in the social and cultural lives of their communities is an untapped reservoir to communicate climate action and pursue climate justice.