Search results for: michele burford

Showing 1 - 10 of 21 results

1 August 2024

Statement confirms land-based impacts on reef water quality and ecosystem

Griffith researchers among more than 200 experts to give key input into GBR report.

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25 June 2024
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13 November 2023

Traditional owners take the lead safeguarding fresh & marine waterways

A collaboration between Griffith University and the Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation is training groups of Traditional owners to take the lead monitoring and safeguarding fresh & marine waterways in the Gulf of Carpentaria

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30 October 2023
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20 July 2023
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12 June 2023

Challenges & knowledge gaps with nutrient offsetting

New Griffith-led research outlines how nutrient offsetting can achieve its potential as a more cost-effective way of improving water quality

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25 November 2022
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14 September 2020

Understanding nutrient runoff to help protect waterways

Griffith University researchers have been awarded a $640,000 Australian Research Council Linkage grant to develop an indicator of nutrient-runoff essential for accurate nutrient trading schemes.

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25 May 2020
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22 January 2020
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