Search results for: matthew evans

Showing 1 - 10 of 17 results

3 October 2014
Matthew Evans, Business and Law student, Oxford University exchange student.

Exchange student bowls up success

Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Commerce student Matthew Evans has just returned from the study trip of a lifetime.

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15 October 2014
Global Experience Expo 14-16 Oct

Experience Expo offers opportunity of a lifetime

The aim of the Global Experience Expo is to share firsthand student experiences from overseas exchanges and discuss the many benefits and opportunities created by combining study and travel as part of a Griffith University degree!

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16 November 2023

Cass makes a big splash at Griffith Sports Blues Awards

Elite athlete and Bachelor of Psychology student, Cassiel Rousseau, has capped off a stunning 12 months by being named the recipient of the Most Outstanding Sporting Achievement at the University's annual Blues Awards for Sporting Excellence

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19 December 2022
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26 September 2022

The Power of Podcast with Hedley Thomas

In this instalment of Griffith University’s A Better Future for All series, Kerry O’Brien talks with the award-winning investigative journalist and podcaster Hedley Thomas.

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26 November 2021
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8 September 2021
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18 August 2021
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11 August 2021

Celebrating our athletes and successful Olympic campaign

Griffith applauds the incredible efforts of our newest Olympians and congratulates the 45 student and alumni athletes and staff members who proudly wore the green and gold in Tokyo.

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19 July 2021
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