Search results for: master of philosophy

Showing 1 - 10 of 39 results

5 March 2020

Griffith post-grad vies for top timber prize

Master of Philosophy student Adam Faircloth is set to represent Australia after his research on timber panel testing was recognised at a national award ceremony.

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15 January 2020
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7 August 2015

Celebrating 40 years of teaching

40-year anniversary celebrations at Griffith will be in full swing on Open Day.

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31 July 2015
Holding trophies, 2015 Griffith Sciences Alumnus of the Year, Professor Neal Ryan, and Young Alumnus of the Year, Mr Justin Gavranich

Professor Neal Ryan named outstanding Sciences alumnus

Professor Neal Ryan, a long-time leading figure in research, education, business and public policy in Australia, has been named Griffith...

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7 August 2014
Supporting Women Scholarships luncheon social pic

Women’s scholarship recipients acknowledged

Griffith University has acknowledged recipients of Queensland Government Supporting Women Scholarships (SWS). Pro Vice Chancellor (Sciences) Professor Debra Henly welcomed...

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26 November 2013

Susan’s students on pathway to success

Griffith Education graduate Susan Kersland has taken the next step in an already diverse teaching career, thanks to a Queensland...

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4 May 2012

Scholarship boost takes engineering graduate overseas

Griffith University engineering graduate William Usher has been awarded a Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarship for postgraduate study at the University...

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6 January 2012

Griffith honours first Rhodes Scholar

Griffith Law School graduate, Lauren Dancer, has been awarded an Australia-at-Large Rhodes Scholarship for 2012, the first Griffith student to...

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2 May 2007

Searching for Aboriginal heroes in Qld history

How Indigenous people contributed to the history of European settlement in Queensland is the focus of a new Griffith University...

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13 May 2024

MBA student lands CEO role at Paddle Australia 

Women in Sports Leadership MBA Scholarship recipient Kim Crane has been announced as Paddle Australia’s next CEO.

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